Take care of your dental health to keep on smiling!






Dental Clinic : Résidence du Square, 2 Avenue Maréchal Foch, 06230,Villefranche Sur Mer. France. De France Tel.: 04 93 01 71 52.

From abroad Tel.: 00 33 493 01 71 52



franck.dahot@orange.fr m
History of Clinic Dr. Dahot:



It was created in the early '20s by Mrs. Eideckins at 5 avenue Albert 1er.

Subsequently, Dr. Marc Dahot, has continue with her work, in October 1961 and he transfered her Clinic in 1967 to a new building, Le Résidence du Square, located in the center of Villefranche sur Mer, face to the Public Garden and the football field, where he served until July 1997.

Dr. Frank Dahot, having found in the practice of the dental medicine, an harmony between the esthetic,the desire to heal, and the communication, began his practice in September 1993, with his father, to carry on with renewed interest, always thanks to a scientific and academic training in Paris and in United States, participating in congresses and national and international conferences. The integration of science and technology in clinical practice is still doing in the spirit of continuity, trust and validation by the evidence and the experience. Philosophy inspired by the wisdom of this wonderful place where we live and work. A place appreciated by a lot of visitors and residents.

So, living and exercise in Villefranche is a privilege. There is no doubt about it.

An extensive literature is devoted to Villefranche. Historic village located in a beautiful bay, known around the world, photographed, sung, painted, filmed or described by countless artists.

Long distance traveler. A lover of cosmopolitan capitals, other cultures and distant landscape. Never missing an opportunity to share knowledge with colleagues in French or foreign; and bring the technical edge to maximun developpement. Dr. Frank Dahot works in a beautiful village: a dental practice connected with the "global village"

So he designed his exercise in which dental care can help keep your teeth, consolidate, and if it is necessary, replace them with dental implants, to give you a nice smile, bright and natural. He is always helped by Danielle as Administrative responsable; Sonia, as Dental assistant, and Adriana, as the Quality and Logistic Manager.



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Dental Surgeon
Dental Clinic Doctor Dahot


Createur AD - 2010- azurlatina@hotmail.com - Revision mai/2010 - Mentions Legales - Conseil de l'ordre- Annuaire Dentaire-