Take care of your dental health to keep on smiling!




Dental Clinic: Résidence du Square, 2 Avenue Maréchal Foch, 06230,Villefranche Sur Mer. France. De France Tel.: 04 93 01 71 52.

From abroad Tel.: 00 33 493 01 71 52






Our History






            The developpement and the application of a Quality System efficient, is essencial for ensure a good service to the patient : a satisfactory work, without collateral risks, such as infections or contaminations due to the treatment,

          But the solution is very complexe. We must work on the developpement and the integration of a Quality System effective, considering the National and International Norms of Quality Health.

            We will try to explain, our Quality Assurance System in an easy and concrete way.
            The Quality Assurance is centralized in three Principal Systems:

The Good Practices of Clinic :



Dental Surgeon








Ellipse: Advices for the staff





Dental Clinic Doctor Dahot


Hygiene System  :

         The objective of the Hygiene in Dental Clinics, is mainly, the prevention of transmission of infections. The infections are the consequence of a contamination by an infectious agent. The micro-organisms are transmitted by a source and it is transmitted to a host that can provocate the infection to the last one.

          The cleaning and desinfection must be standarized and controlled. To apply the procedures, we must implement the controls and the suplementary procedures that ensure the efficiency of the Hygiene.

         Therefore, Dr. Dahot Clinic, has made and has implemented the Manual of Hygiene, with all the procedures of cleaning and desinfection:








Ellipse: Advices for the clinic





Parenthèses: •	Definitions and Classification of Products and Materials  •	Procedures of Cleaning and Disinfection for each material and each zone of the clinic  •	Detailed Hygiene for the surgical operations  •	Air and Water Monitoring


Ellipse: Manual Hygiene


         To complete the procedures of Hygiene, we must implement a System of Records of Products, that ensure the security of the products, their correct manipulation and the tracability of the products.







Ellipse: Products Folder


Parenthèses: Products Information= Safety Sheets, Technical Specifications, recommendation of use





Ellipse: Storage Control



Parenthèses: The trazability has an important role inside the Quality : if there is a problem in the treatment of patient, the trazability makes us know which products were used in each step. That let us have a quick and efficient reaction (solve the problem and give a conformity, destruction, calls…) and let us do an analysis of the situation to make the necessary correctives action and to create a  Preventive Plan for the future.







Parenthèses: Periodic  Stock Control


         Inside the Hygiene of the clinic, the Sterilization has an important and essential role. It is the Critical Point par excellence and must be developped, implemented and recorded in a special way.

         Dr. Dahot Clinic has implemented a System of Periodic Sterilization Control, to ensure the efficience of the procedure and the trazability of each sterilized material.





Ellipse: Sterilisation
Parenthèses: •	Passage indicators that allow us to evaluate the functioning of the equipment  •	 Bowie-Dick Test, which is a visual indicator test but can be used as a predictive factor in the suppression of  the air inside the autoclave  •	Records=  to ensure the trazability of the sterilized materials












The Analysis of Risks  : 

          In 2008, The French Dental Association, has published the requirement of making an Analysis of Risks for the personal that works in the clinic, publishing the book "Evaluation of Professional Risks in the Dental Clinics".

          Dr. Dahot Clinic respects the legislation, and expanded the concept to the implementation of HACCP system (Hazard Analysis - Critical Control Points)

          The HACCP is a system that identifies, evaluates and controls the significant dangers in relation to safety for people.

 For developpe and implement the HACCP, we had to follow up the next steps:










Parenthèses: Confection of flow charts for all the processes of the clinic, describing each step

Ellipse: Flow Charts






Ellipse: Analyses of Danger
Parenthèses: Analyses of each process with the dangers identification, the evaluation of the severity of these dangers, their frequency, the wat to control them and the records.







Ellipse: Critical Control Points Determination





Parenthèses: Determination of the process to control them, the verifications and the records.
Ellipse: Action Plan  2009- 2010





Parenthèses: Association Française Dentaire : Reglamentation







Ellipse: Reglamentation Folder
Parenthèses: With all the documents required (Cours, contrats, certificats, contrôles)


To Complete the Quality System, Dr. Dahot Clinic has preparated the following records :



Ellipse: Protocols Dossier


Parenthèses: With all the protocols of the Clinic avec the Technical files.




Ellipse: Equipement Maintenance Folder



Createur AD - 2010- azurlatina@hotmail.com - Revision mai/2010 - Mentions Legales - Conseil de l'ordre- Annuaire Dentaire-




Parenthèses: With all the periodic maintenance controls in the equipment of the clinic
Our Quality System!!!